

SAMBA INC. is an energy-filled, fast-paced program that is sure to keep you grooving to the rhythms of Brazil by fusing drum patterns with songs that draw inspiration from Samba music.

Everyone will be built from the ground up, learning simple rhythms, yet when everyone works together, the intricacies of the patterns will merge into one big sound!

Enquire Now!
Learn to play 2 songs as a Ukulele Ensemble!

Everyone will be able to play the Ukulele by the end of the session by learning basic chord shapes and strumming patterns. Everyone will be strumming to one united beat to create a beautiful sound.

We can accommodate 10-150pax!

From small teams to the whole division, everyone will be able to learn how to play the Ukulele. The bigger the group, the grander the sound!

Typically 1.5-3 hours!

BUT, we are very flexible and will do our best to tailor our program to your needs. 2-Hour, Full-Day, Half-Day etc. We have got you covered!

Perfect Indoor Activity!

Our events can be held in our studio at Converge Studios, off-site at event venues that we frequently use, or even in-house at your company’s building. Many venues have been immersed the wondrous sounds of numerous corporate Ukulele Ensembles.

Value For Money!

Prices are dependent on the Event Venue, Sound and Equipment Rental, Facilitator Fees and additional add-ons if requested.

Music As A Healer!

Our events are always conducted with the safety of our clients and members in mind. Safe for pregnant ladies and even injured in a cast! Just take good care of our precious Ukuleles 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions

“I don’t think my colleagues are musical at all. Do we need any musical experience?”

No musical experience is needed at all for this activity. This has worked well for everyone, regardless of whether they are total beginners, not-so-good musicians, or good musicians. This program has been running for about 700 sessions. Every group emerged a successful BANDINC, regardless of everyone’s individual or combined musical background or experience.

“Which is the easiest instrument?”

All instrument parts are made simple and effective. No instrument part is difficult.  

“Can you guarantee that everyone in my team will have fun and be engaged?”

100%. There will be no boredom. Everyone will find this program engaging and will not be bored at any point in time. In fact, you might the crazy side of your colleagues you never knew. Please read our breakthrough web testimonials here by our clients. They gave us 5-star reviews on Google and Facebook as well.

Learning and Cohesion

This programs’ purpose is to increase camaradierie between colleagues and clients. Through playing to the same beat and weaving rhythms together, participants will definitely feel a sense of togetherness when the whole group is in sync.

Participants will learn the importance of having Clarity when building a percussive ensemble, Collaborating with each other through intertwining rhythms, Committing to playing as one sound, as well as learning to trust each other through times of Change

From making loud calls to swinging their sticks with determination, everyone will be captured in the energy that is created through playing as a Samba Ensemble.

Why UKULELEINC. with us?

Fusing traditional Bazillian rhythms with modern music, SAMBA INC. aims to deliver a robust and vibrant atmosphere that will (literally) take your breath away. For those who are finding an activity that is suitable to hone your rhythmic chops, SAMBA INC. is a great way to express one’s inner creativity through performing intricate rhythms and patterns on percussive instruments.

With a newly revamped program structure, groups find that learning to play as a bateria is achieveable when broken down into simple and easy to understand concepts. Throughout the session, participants will be built up to become proficient in not just playing their own instrument, but also to play as one united group.

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