Handle Conflicts

In any group setting, it is inevitable that you will encounter clashing of divergent ideas. Afterall, as every individuals differ in characters, so as their views and opinions. As the head of the team, it is your job to step up and do something to resolve these kinds of conflicts. We agree when you say that disputes can be so much of a struggle, but you know what, we’ve got a few techniques which can help you lessen the burden.

 Read: Happy Employees, Happy Business: 6 Tips to a Happy Work Environment

 Conflicts happen, but you can surely handle them with these top tips!

Tip #1: Observe brewing conflicts.

Most conflicts don’t happen in just a single snap. Often than not, it triggers when disagreements pile up and both sides fail to resolve the problems immediately. Learn how to spot probable conflicts early on. When you feel an impending dispute within your people, deal with it straight away, rather than waiting for it to blow.

Tip #2: Stay calm.

You are the key to solving this problem. Show them how mature people handle these kinds of issues. So rather than being angry at the situation, set the right example to your employees by staying calm all throughout the process.

Tip #3: Identify the problems.

In dealing with the conflict, the first thing that you have to do is identify what seems to be the problem. It’s not enough to hear it from somebody else. In order for you to be an effective mediator, you have to know the underlying dilemma from the situation yourself.

Tip #4: Understand both sides of the stories.

This is already a takeaway, but still, it merits to reiterate this tip. Don’t hold bias on any of the parties. Listen to all the employees included in the issue. Actually, don’t just listen, but rather, understand. Take a look at where these people are coming from, why actions were taken, and why words were said.

Tip #5: Ask the right kind of questions.

Be careful not to sound tactless in talking to any of the employees involved. If you don’t, it may make them feel like they are being interrogated. You are there not for the sole purpose of punishing them. You are there to come up with a solution on how to resolve their conflict. So make your people feel comfortable to tell the truth. 

Tip #6: Highlight common areas of agreements.

It is also a good strategy to accentuate on the commonalities of both parties. Looking for something that they all agree with can normalise the situation, reduce tension, and calm everybody involved in the problem.

Tip #7: Come up with a solution.

At the end of the day, it should all boil down to a solution. After hearing both versions of the stories and giving equal opportunities to defend their sides, bring everyone to compromise. This is the only way that the conflict will be resolved.

Tip #8: Follow-up how each party is doing.

Make a follow-through action a few days or weeks after settling the issue to see how your employees are doing. This will ensure that not only the immediate problem was resolved, but the relationship with each other has become better.


While conflicts at work are unavoidable, we can still take preventive measures to avoid them. Us here at Team Music believe that the best way to do this is by strengthening the relationships of every employee inside the team. The better the relationship is, the easier it is to understand the personality of each workmate. And the more understanding there is, the less likely that conflicts will arise. So set aside a day for your company’s team bonding. Not only is it fun, it can foster camaraderie within team members as well!

For one-of-a-kind music-themed team building, contact Team Music today!