Why choose Bangkok as a location for Music Team-Building?

Why should you organize music team-building in Bangkok for your corporate group? 

This page is useful if you are a ….

  1. Corporate team leader / Human resource manager, planning for your next international corporate retreat, team-building etc. OR 
  2. Talent Manager wanting to upgrade your team’s skills and agility with the next corporate challenge, pushing your teams out of their usual comfort zone. 

Why Bangkok?

Bangkok is a unique destination that offers tourists a range of experiences that are difficult to find elsewhere. Here are some of the things that make Bangkok a unique place to visit:

  • Temples: Bangkok is home to hundreds of beautiful temples, such as Wat Phra Kaew and Wat Arun. Visitors can explore these historic and culturally significant sites to gain a deeper understanding of Thai culture and religion.

  • Street Food: Bangkok is famous for its delicious street food, with countless food stalls and vendors offering a wide variety of local delicacies, such as Pad Thai, Tom Yum Goong, and Mango Sticky Rice. Visitors can explore the city’s famous street food markets and sample the local cuisine for an authentic culinary experience.

  • Shopping: Bangkok is a shopper’s paradise, with a range of markets, boutiques, and department stores offering everything from luxury goods to affordable souvenirs. The city’s famous shopping districts such as Chatuchak Weekend Market and MBK Center are must-visit destinations for any tourist looking for a unique shopping experience.

  • Nightlife: Bangkok has a vibrant nightlife scene, with a range of bars, nightclubs, and music venues catering to all tastes. Visitors can enjoy live music performances, rooftop bars, and night markets in the city’s lively entertainment districts.

  • Floating Markets: Bangkok is home to several floating markets, such as Damnoen Saduak and Amphawa. Visitors can explore these unique markets on a long-tail boat and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the surrounding canals.

Overall, Bangkok is a unique destination that offers tourists a perfect blend of culture, cuisine, shopping, nightlife, and natural beauty, all set in a vibrant and exciting atmosphere.

Find out more about Bangkok here Tourism Authority of Thailand

Why music team building?

Music team-building is a form of team-building exercise that focuses primarily on wellness through music. Participants learn rhythm exercises and pick up basic instrumental skills which encourage creative problem-solving and teamwork. It’s the ideal retreat for those who are keen to learn new musical instruments or have a flair for music. With exciting challenges to tackle and obstacles to overcome, music team building is an interactive way to manage stress and promote corporate wellness.

Why Team Music?

Rated by Cleverthai as the top teambuilding activity here in Bangkok

Learn about our signature program, BANDINC.

With over ten years of experience working with MNCs, SMEs, schools, and government agencies locally and internationally, Team Music is dedicated to the development and growth of wellness through music. With over three hundred satisfied clients spanning five hundred events, Team Music has created immersive team-building experiences for over 20 thousand participants to date. 

Team Music offers great flexibility when it comes to on–site workshop requests, and we’ve held our team-building sessions at a variety of locations such as local studios, hotels, and function rooms. With our specially curated programs, our clients can always expect an enriching and unforgettable experience with us. 

All photos and videos of your band event will be given to you, at no additional cost. 

Check out real testimonials from our satisfied clients here.  

Why Team Music Bangkok?

Along with sound and music equipment, we have a trained local team that can facilitate your next music team event!  

Where can we have the Teambuilding?

  • 10-17pax events: Horizon Music

  • 20-50pax: Yamaha Music Hall, Bangkok

  • 60-100pax: Hotel function rooms 

When can we conduct the program?

Ideally on Weekdays between 12-6pm

Contact us for a full program proposal and quotation. 

Top 4 Traits of The Ideal Organiser Team Music loves

After being in the team-building industry for 10 years, and tirelessly liaising with hundreds of corporate organizers who are working hard for their team engagements, we at Team Music have found the top 4 broad traits of an organizer who is truly successful in organizing their event and whom we love to work with. Today, we would like to share these traits with you and describe our ideal organizer.

For this blog, let’s have some fun and call our ideal organizer Isabella. She works for the company Phutures, which is a Multi-National Corporation (MNC) in the digital asset space that has a growing presence in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. She has been tasked to plan the next APAC meeting along with a team engagement activity for 200pax in Singapore at a hotel ballroom at Marina Bay Sands (MBS). The team activity has to be relaxing, with no pressure, yet able to bring to life the corporate values of Phutures, which are:

  • Keep learning 
  • Be quick to communicate
  • Create positive moments each day

Let’s track her journey with us! 


1) Clear

Isabella does a Google search on “teambuilding Singapore” and very soon discovers us, Team Music, here. She checks out our Google reviews and is convinced that we are going to be one of the companies that she is going to work with.

She immediately contacts us via the contact form, giving us full details and expectations as per request. These include budget, date, location, purpose, etc.

Isabella represents her company aptly by stating clearly the corporate values of Phutures. To give us a better understanding of her company and team-building objectives, she gives clear references to official website links and past experiences of how these values ‘played out’ in previous team-building activities, such as perfume making, painting, etc

Within 24 hours, Isabella receives an official proposal quotation from Team Music. Given the weight of this 200pax event, she needs to iron out all the doubts and questions she has on her mind. She jots them down and proceeds to schedule an online meeting to sort the details out with us, with questions such as: 

  1. Is this program suited for beginners? 
  2. I have a few pregnant ladies on my team. Do we have something for them so they don’t feel left out? etc. 

Not only is she decisive about what she and her company’s goals for this event are, but she is now also CLEAR on what to expect for her team-building session with us and what we need of her to make the event a success. Thus, along with the proposals from other vendors, she now presents these options to her boss. 


2) Collaborative 

Isabella has a huge mission of uniting and engaging 200pax in the same room; not just physically, but spiritually, emotionally, and mentally as well. Firstly, has to make this year’s event even better than the one last year because that is what the boss wants. Moreover, the whole APAC team has not met for 3 years, no thanks to the pandemic. Lastly, countless changes to staffing have occurred during the pandemic period. People need a powerful reason to engage. 

Isabella needs a task force, an advanced party of sorts, to tackle all the details of this big event. She forms a team and allocates the venue booking, event day announcement, F&B, program flow, attendance-taking, etc to various team members to get things going.

Despite the immense pressure to keep everything in check, Isabella knows very well that the one thing she cannot fully allocate or control is Team Music’s or any other vendors’ program. She is also not a subject matter expert in music, much less for big groups. She has to have a certain level of trust in Team Music to seriously commit to us as a vendor. 

Eventually, her Boss decides on Team Music’s signature program BANDINC. (He used to be a guitarist in his high school band ^_^) Isabella sends a confirmation email and logistical information such as floorplan and band requirements, ready to collaborate with us to get this gig going. 

Unfortunately, Team Music’s setup process (3 hours) will cut into her planned lunch segment, requiring us to shorten our setup duration. There will also be another segment following Team Music’s program (3 hours, 2 songs) that requires more time. This caused some friction in the planning process as there was a need to readjust the timings, yet still complete the objective of completing 2 songs. Both parties want their requirements met, and at the same time accommodate the other party. After much discussion, Isabella and Team Music compromised on a 2.5-hour setup time and 2.5-hour program time to accommodate subsequent activities.

Knowing that Team Music has 10 years of team-building experience, she is assured that the success of her team’s event is not only plausible but also in good hands. This also allows us to proceed with the essence of our program intact, providing us with the confidence to execute it well. There was a sense of partnership, working together to build the event. She is constantly thinking and facilitating a win-win-win outcome for her team, Team Music, and finally her position as an organizer. Moving forward, she relies much on us for advice on the best song choices, band instrument setup, etc. 


3) Commitment

As the date of the event approaches, the deal needs to be sealed. Isabella deals respectfully with Team Music according to the terms and conditions of the quotation. Confirmation of the event was done with a 50% deposit payment to book instruments, mover, and facilitators. 

Even though the event has been confirmed, there seems to be a drop in the expected headcount for the event over time, a typical symptom of large-scale events. While worrying about the numbers being reduced further, Isabella contemplates calling Team Music’s program off. However, the more she thinks about it, the more she realizes that this move will not only affect her and her team but Team Music as well. There will be a need to re-coordinate efforts and make adjustments to schedules on both ends. She understands that she should only call the event off as a last resort, therefore she pushes on with the plan.

The day arrives, and Isabella executes her event. She is mentally aware of the rough outline of Team Music’s 2.5-hour program, and even though there are some lingering doubts, she gives Team Music full autonomy to work the magic. She does remind Team Music that her corporate values have to be brought to life in the band program, which we wholeheartedly comply with.

As an event-planning company, we face unforeseen circumstances, similar to any other organizer who plans events for their teams. For Isabella, some variables were not under her control. Despite this, she kept to what was agreed to provide a wonderful experience for her team, and we would have done the same for her if we were in her shoes. 

Needless to say, the event was a hit!


4) Change

Isabella has displayed a good level of adaptability throughout her journey thus far. She is open to changes in the planning and execution phases, being able to compromise on timing clashes and finding a solution that is beneficial to both her team and Team Music.

She can adjust her expectations according to what Team Music can offer as well. This is shown through her trust in us to be able to meet the objectives and deliver an unforgettable experience. The autonomy helps both her team and Team Music to co-develop the event together.

During the event itself, issues arise that challenge Isabelle and Team Music. When the morning meetings get delayed, setup time has to be shortened. She prioritizes tackling the issue first, communicating with Team Music, her task force, as well as her boss on a realistic timeline in real time of what to expect. She also coordinates with her team to assist Team Music in setting up. As a result, the setup happens at breakneck speed.

Finally, Team Music’s program starts and ends within the agreed time. It is well-received by all 200pax, her task force, and her boss. 

Here’s a positive moment in action 


In essence, Isabella was resourceful, trusting, and respectful in all her business dealings and communications with her task force, her boss as well as Team Music. This ensured a smooth transition from the start of the planning to the end of the execution. Along the way, Team Music also got to be part of the journey and enjoyed the process as well.

We know that there are many Isabellas out there, and we look forward to working with you very soon ^_^

Comprehensive Guide to Organizing a Large-Scale, Fun Team-Building Activity for your Big Group

What would it look like if 200 people started playing basketball together? Or performing a song together? Is it even possible to pull it off? For the sheer amount of people, you really have to think HUGE for how to plan a team-building activity. Massive tasks require massive thinking and a massive blog post. Today, we will be bringing you an in-depth guide on how you can organize a large-scale event. Let’s go!

Who are my attendees? 

The nature of an event can vary widely depending on the target audience. They set the core purpose of your event, on which the content of the event will be built to drive that purpose home. Below are some of the common types of attendees and the various intentions of companies for organizing an event for them:

Types of attendees



-Increase cohesion between employees 

-Improve communication and collaboration within and between departments/branches


-Establish connections with customers and partners 

-Strengthen relationships between the company and the public

-Build brand awareness

Prospective employees

-Showcase the culture and values of the company

-Attract new talent as well as veterans of the industry

-Demonstrate the benefits of working for the company

Industry experts and speakers

-Engage experts and speakers to share their knowledge and insights about the industry

-Provide attendees with valuable professional development opportunities

-Learn and grow from new information and different perspectives

Media representatives

-Showcase their brand and culture to a wider audience (Local and Global outreach)

-Promote the company and its achievements

Sponsors and vendors

-Collaborate and expand the company’s network with sponsors and vendors 

-Create mutually beneficial relationships and promote products and services.


Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Events (MICE)

Another way to understand the collective purpose of your attendees is by understanding a huge industry known as Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events (MICE).

The term MICE is often used in the tourism and event planning industries to refer to the business of organizing and coordinating events for corporate clients and other organizations.

In our shared experience as an event planner for large groups, we have regularly planned for the following groups: 

  1. Entire school administration team – Principal, Vice-principals, School teachers, Administrators, Support Staff
  2. APAC (Asia-Pacific) Sales team members – Performing as a BIG BAND, celebrating their sales success for the year
  3. MNCs – Celebrating working face-to-face again, having not seen one another for the Covid years 2020-2022
  4. MNCs – Want a loud kickstart to a brand new work year


Why plan for such a BIG event?

Planning a fun large-scale event for your colleagues can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, offering a number of benefits both for the individual organizers and for the company as a whole. The importance of corporate team-building activities cannot be underestimated. Some of the key rewards of organizing a large-scale team event include:

  1. Out of COVID blues: During the COVID lockdown, mass gathering and music (especially singing) was greatly discouraged, even punishable. Now that we are out of COVID, it’s the best time to have a loud celebration.  
  2. Improved team morale: Bringing lots of people together for a fun, enjoyable event can help to build strong bonds, foster a positive working environment, and improve overall team morale.
  3. Enhanced communication: Large-scale events provide an opportunity for people from different departments and teams to interact and collaborate, leading to enhanced communication and better cross-functional working relationships.
  4. Boosted company culture: By providing employees with opportunities to socialize and have fun together, companies can promote a positive company culture and foster a sense of belonging among employees.
  5. Increased productivity: When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and productive. By organizing fun and enjoyable team-building activities, companies can help to boost employee morale and increase overall productivity.
  6. Stronger company brand: By showcasing the company culture and values through an enjoyable and well-organized event, companies can enhance their brand and reputation, increase visibility, attract new talent, and build stronger relationships with employees, customers, and partners.
  7. Instill ROCK-SOLID Corporate values through play and interaction. Team Music reinforces the 4Cs of Effective Teamwork: 
    1. Clarity of Roles 
    2. Collaboration
    3. Commitment to finish the job
    4. Change management


Overall, the rewards of planning a fun large-scale event for your colleagues are many and can have a lasting impact on both individual employees and the company as a whole. By carefully planning and executing a memorable event, organizations can build stronger teams, foster a positive company culture, and promote a successful and thriving business.


Who do you choose as your official event planner? 

Large-scale team events can be a powerful tool for bringing people together, fostering team building, and promoting company culture. However, they also come with their own unique set of challenges that need to be carefully managed in order to ensure the event is a success. From budget constraints to logistics, coordination, safety and security, attendee expectations, and technical issues, there are many different factors that need to be considered before you choose the right event planner. In this article, we will take a closer look at these challenges and explore some of the ways in which they can be overcome.

Here are some steps to help you choose the best external vendor for your event:

  1. Begin with the end in mind: Determine your event goals. Before you start looking for an organizer, it’s important to understand what you want to achieve from the event. A sample checklist should include:
    • Theme – eg. Rockstars? 
    • Music playlist – No big event runs without the right music 🙂
    • Humor
    • Uniqueness & Quirky ideas
    • Fun interactive engagement. Hack boredom? 
    • Easy to conduct or participate 
    • Takeaways
    • Budget 
  1. Reputation: Start by searching for event organizers who specialize in large-scale events, and read their website, case studies, and testimonials from past clients.
  2. Ask for references: Ask potential organizers for references from past clients, and be sure to reach out to those references to ask about their experiences working with the organizer.
  3. Consider the organizer’s experience: Make sure the organizer you choose has experience planning and executing large scale events. Consider their track record and the types of events they have organized in the past. Watch their sample videos of past events to get a better feel of the whole group event atmosphere. 
  4. Evaluate their communication and project management skills: Look for an organizer who has strong communication and project management skills, as these are critical to ensuring the success of your event.
  5. Consider their team: Consider the size and experience of the organizer’s team, and make sure they have the resources, equipment and expertise needed to plan and execute your event.
  6. Consider your own available budget and the cost: Be sure to discuss budget and cost considerations with potential organizers, and make sure you understand what services and support you will receive for the cost that you pay. 


What are the possible event ideas?

There are many fun team activities for large groups that can bring team members together and help build teamwork and camaraderie. Here are some popular activities for large groups:

  1. Escape room: Teams work together to solve puzzles and find clues to escape from a themed room.
  2. Cooking or baking challenge: Teams work together to create a meal or baked goods using a set of ingredients or recipe
  3. Team building scavenger hunt: Teams compete to complete a series of challenges and find hidden items around a designated area.
  4. Sports tournament: Teams compete against each other in a variety of sports, such as basketball, soccer, or dodgeball.
  5. Game night: Teams compete against each other in a variety of board games or video games.
  6. Trivia Challenge: Teams compete against each other in a trivia contest covering a range of topics.
  7. Talent Showcase: Teams perform skits, songs, or dances for their colleagues. Check out BANDINC (link) 
  8. Art or craft challenge: Teams work together to create a masterpiece using art or craft materials.
  9. Outdoor adventure: Teams participate in outdoor activities such as rock climbing, zip lining, or kayaking.
  10. Volunteer work: Teams participate in volunteer work or community service projects to give back to their local community.
Do any of these activities allow for meaningful break-out teams? 

Breakout groups are small groups of participants who are separated from the larger group to engage in focused discussions or activities. Here are some of the key advantages of using breakout groups in events and meetings:

  1. Increased participation and engagement: Breakout groups allow for smaller and more intimate discussion settings, which can encourage increased participation and engagement from attendees.
  2. Diverse perspectives: By breaking the group into smaller, more diverse subgroups, attendees can hear different perspectives and ideas from a wider range of participants.
  3. Improved collaboration and teamwork: Working in smaller groups can foster better collaboration and teamwork among participants, as they are able to work more closely with each other and build relationships.
  4. Enhanced creativity and problem-solving: In breakout groups, attendees have the opportunity to brainstorm, develop new ideas, and solve problems together in a supportive and creative environment.
  5. More focused discussions: Breaking the group into smaller subgroups allows for more focused discussions on specific topics or issues, which can lead to more meaningful and productive outcomes.
  6. Opportunity for hands-on learning: Breakout groups can also provide opportunities for hands-on learning, where attendees can put new knowledge or skills into practice in a supportive environment.
  7. Better understanding of different perspectives: Breaking the group into smaller subgroups can help attendees better understand the perspectives and opinions of others, which can lead to more effective communication and collaboration in the future.

By incorporating breakout groups into events and meetings, organizers can create a more dynamic and engaging experience for attendees, while also improving collaboration, problem-solving, and creativity.

With our main program, BANDINC, we separate the roles of a 100pax BAND this way: 

100pax Band Setup :

  • 9 Drummers
  • 18 Percussionists
  • 4 Bassists
  • 4 Guitarists
  • 41 Ukulelists
  • 9 Keyboardists
  • 15 Singers

Just be extra careful. Choosing the large group activity may have several negative effects, including:

  1. Overshoot Budget: One of the biggest apprehensions for event organizers is managing the budget for the event. Ensuring that all expenses are accounted for and that the event is delivered within the set budget can be a major concern.
  2. Attendee engagement: Ensuring that attendees are engaged and involved in the event is a top priority for event organizers. Failing to keep attendees interested and active can result in a lack of success for the event.
  3. Technical difficulties: Technology is a key component of many corporate events, and technical difficulties can be a major source of apprehension for event organizers. Ensuring that all technology, including audio-visual equipment, lighting, and sound, is in good working order and that there are backup plans in place in case of technical issues is important.
  4. Logistics: Coordinating the logistics of a corporate event, including transportation, accommodations, and venue arrangements, can be a major concern for event organizers. Ensuring that all logistics are in place and that attendees have a seamless experience can be challenging.
  5. Safety and security: Ensuring the safety and security of attendees, staff, and equipment is a top priority for event organizers. Anticipating and preparing for potential security risks and having contingency plans in place are important.
  6. Timing and scheduling: Ensuring that the event runs on schedule and that all activities and presentations are delivered as planned is a major apprehension for event organizers. Having a solid schedule in place and contingency plans for unexpected changes is important.
  7. Unforeseen events: Unexpected events, such as weather conditions, equipment failures, or speaker cancellations, can be a source of apprehension for event organizers. Being prepared for such events and having contingency plans in place can help mitigate these risks.

Overall, event organizers need to have a well-planned strategy in place and be prepared to tackle any challenges that may arise during the event. Proper planning, attention to detail, and contingency planning can help ensure the success of the event and reduce apprehensions.


Where is the best country for this group gathering?   

Here is a list of the top 23 MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events) locations in the world:

  1. Las Vegas, Nevada
  2. Singapore
  3. Orlando, Florida
  4. Paris, France
  5. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  6. Barcelona, Spain
  7. Berlin, Germany
  8. Dubai, UAE
  9. Tokyo, Japan
  10. Sydney, Australia
  11. Hong Kong
  12. Bangkok, Thailand
  13. Munich, Germany
  14. Seoul, South Korea
  15. Taipei, Taiwan
  16. Shanghai, China
  17. Vienna, Austria
  18. New York, New York
  19. Madrid, Spain
  20. Miami, Florida
  21. London, UK
  22. San Francisco, California
  23. Copenhagen, Denmark

When choosing the right country for a large-scale event, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Accessibility: The country should have good air and ground transport links, making it easy for attendees to travel to and from the event.
  2. Infrastructure: The country should have modern and well-equipped convention centers, hotels, and other facilities to accommodate large-scale events.
  3. Cost: The cost of hosting the event in the country, including the cost of venues, accommodations, and other expenses, should be reasonable and within budget.
  4. Cultural fit: The country’s culture should align with the objectives and values of the event and its attendees.
  5. Political stability: The country should be politically stable, ensuring the safety and security of attendees.
  6. Local support: The country should have a supportive local community that is willing to help make the event a success.
  7. Language: The country should have a widely spoken language that is easily understood by the majority of attendees.
  8. Climate: The country’s climate should be suitable for the time of year the event is being held, ensuring that attendees are comfortable.
  9. Legal requirements: The country should have favorable legal requirements for hosting large-scale events, including visas, work permits, and other regulations.
  10. Diverse offerings: The country should have diverse cultural and entertainment offerings that will appeal to the attendees, enhancing their overall experience.

When evaluating the suitability of a venue for a large event, there are several factors to consider to ensure the venue is a good fit for your needs. Here are some steps to help you evaluate the suitability of a venue for your large event:


Where is the best event venue?

  1. Determine your event needs: Before you start evaluating venues, it’s important to understand your specific event needs, including the number of attendees, the type of event, and any specific requirements you may have.
  2. Location and accessibility: Consider the location of the venue, and make sure it’s easily accessible for your attendees. Also, consider the availability of public parking, complimentary parking, and public transportation options. The event venue manager should be ready to provide a floor plan of the stage and floor area.
    • At Team Music, we mark out the positionings of our music and sound equipment on the floor plan given.
  3. Space and capacity: Make sure the venue has enough space to accommodate your event, including the number of attendees and any additional requirements, such as a stage, dance floor, or vendor booths.
  4. Amenities: Consider the amenities offered by the venue, such as restrooms, Wi-Fi, audio-visual equipment, and lighting. Make sure the venue has the necessary amenities to meet your needs.
  5. Safety and security: Evaluate the safety and security measures in place at the venue, including fire exits, emergency lighting, and first-aid facilities.
  6. Food and beverage options: If your event will include meals or snacks, consider the food and beverage options offered by the venue, and make sure they meet your needs and budget.
  7. Technical support: If your event will include audio-visual or technical equipment, consider the technical support offered by the venue, and make sure they have the necessary equipment and expertise to meet your needs. Technology is an integral part of modern events, but it can also be a source of problems. Technical issues such as power outages, audio-visual failures, or connectivity problems can disrupt an event and negatively impact the attendee experience. Have a check with your event planner to recce the event hall along with the in-house technicians or operator. 
  8. Cost: Consider the cost of the venue, and make sure it fits within your budget. Be sure to consider all associated costs, such as parking, food and beverage, and technical support. A detailed discussion with your event planner even over Zoom if time doesn’t allow face-to-face meetup, would be helpful for both parties before a formal program proposal and quotation is served to you. 


When is the best time to do this? 

Large-scale team meetings are normally arranged at various times throughout the year, depending on the specific goals and needs of the organization. Some common times for arranging large-scale team meetings include:

  1. Annually: Many organizations arrange an annual large-scale team meeting to bring employees together for team building, training, and other activities.
  2. Seasonally: Some organizations may arrange large-scale team meetings at specific times throughout the year, such as during the summer or the holiday season, to celebrate achievements and reinforce company culture.
  3. When there is a need for change or reorganization: Large-scale team meetings may also be arranged when there is a need for significant change or reorganization within the organization, such as a merger or acquisition, to provide employees with important updates and information.
  4. To launch new products or initiatives: Organizations may arrange large-scale team meetings to launch new products or initiatives, providing an opportunity for employees to learn about and get involved in new projects.
  5. To recognize achievements: Large-scale team meetings may also be arranged to recognize the achievements of employees and teams, and to provide opportunities for celebration and recognition.


Full-day or Half-day event?

Deciding whether to host a full-day or half-day event can be challenging and depends on several factors. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when making this decision:

  1. Purpose of the event: The purpose of the event is a crucial factor to consider when deciding on the length of the event. If the event is focused on learning or training, a full-day event may be more appropriate to provide enough time for in-depth content and discussion. On the other hand, if the event is focused on networking or an awards ceremony, a half-day event may be sufficient.
  2. Attendee schedules: Consider the schedules of the attendees when deciding on the length of the event. If attendees are busy professionals with limited time, a half-day event may be more appealing. However, if attendees are on vacation or have a more flexible schedule, a full-day event may be a better option.
  3. Budget constraints: The budget is another important factor to consider when deciding on the length of the event. Full-day events typically require more resources, including catering, venue rental, and entertainment, which can increase the cost of the event.
  4. Location: The location of the event can also impact the decision of whether to host a full-day or half-day event. If the event is being held in a remote location, attendees may appreciate a full-day event that allows them to take advantage of their time in the area. On the other hand, if the event is being held in a busy city, attendees may prefer a half-day event that allows them to explore the city in their free time.
  5. Energy levels: The energy levels of the attendees and the content of the event can also impact the decision of whether to host a full-day or half-day event. If the event involves intensive activities or requires a high level of focus and energy, a half-day event may be more appropriate.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to host a full-day or half-day event should be based on the specific needs and goals of the event, as well as the schedules, budgets, and preferences of the attendees. It may be helpful to gather feedback from attendees and stakeholders to determine the best option for your event.


How do we ensure this big event runs smoothly? 

  1. Trust your event organizer: They have probably conducted this event many times, especially since they have a reputation for specializing in a certain unique form of team-building event for large groups.
    • At Team Music, we strongly recommend our clients choose from our tried and tested BANDINC song lists. They are guaranteed to work. We can’t vouch for the new songs that perhaps your bosses might want. There is a high risk it may not work, depending on the complexity of the song.
  2. Assemble an organizing committee: Clear roles and responsibilities have to be specified for each team member
  3. Attendee registration and check-in: Event management systems such as Cvent can help streamline the registration process, reducing wait times and improving the overall check-in experience for attendees.
  4. Event scheduling and planning: AI algorithms can help event organizers schedule and plan the various activities, ensuring the most efficient use of resources and minimizing any scheduling conflicts. Here at Team Music, we primarily start adding organizers and representatives 1-2 weeks before a large-scale event, to our Google calendar and/or Whatsapp group chat to clearly state the entire event expectations and flow. 
  5. Personalized recommendations: AI-powered systems can analyze attendee data to provide personalized recommendations for activities, speakers, and networking opportunities.
  6. Event analytics: AI-powered tools can help event organizers analyze attendee data, such as event attendance, demographics, and engagement levels, to better understand their audience and improve future events.
  7. Virtual and hybrid events: AI can be used to power virtual and hybrid events, allowing attendees to interact with each other and with event content in real time. AI-powered tools can also help event organizers manage virtual attendees, such as moderating chat rooms and answering attendee questions.
  8. Event marketing and promotion: AI can help event organizers reach their target audience by analyzing data and providing insights on the best channels to promote their event.


Everyone happy at the end

Despite these challenges, organizing a large-scale team event can be an extremely rewarding and fulfilling HIGH experience. By being well-prepared, having clear goals, and working with a team of dedicated professionals, it is possible to overcome these challenges and create an event that is memorable, enjoyable, and successful for EVERYONE! 

The reward and satisfaction of a large-scale event organizer can be quite substantial and can come from a variety of sources. Some of the most common rewards and sources of satisfaction for event organizers include:

  1. Successful execution: The biggest reward for an event organizer is the successful execution of the event. When all the planning and hard work come together, and the event runs smoothly, it can be a huge source of satisfaction and pride for the organizer.
  2. Positive feedback: Receiving positive feedback from attendees, clients, and other stakeholders can be a significant source of satisfaction for event organizers. Knowing that people enjoyed the event, appreciated the effort put in, and had a good time can be incredibly rewarding.
  3. Financial compensation: Many event organizers work as freelancers or run their own businesses, so financial compensation is a key reward. Receiving payment for their services, especially when it reflects the value they bring to the event, can be a major source of satisfaction.
  4. Building a network: Large-scale events can be great opportunities for event organizers to network and make new connections. Building relationships with clients, vendors, attendees, and other stakeholders can provide long-lasting rewards and help advance the organizer’s career.
  5. Making a difference: For some event organizers, the satisfaction of making a difference in their communities is a key reward. Organizing events that raise awareness, bring people together, or have a positive impact on society can be a source of deep satisfaction and fulfillment.


Please contact us here so we can serve you better on your large-scale event with Team Music. We wish you all MASSIVE SUCCESS as you embark on this brave adventure with your MASSIVE team event.